
What viewers are saying about Aurora:

"A beautifully-written and crafted story..."–Action Video

"[An] engaging story, and characters which can appeal to fans as well as non-fans...strong females that are not only sexy, but intelligent and independent."–Mania.com

"...freaking awesome...I mention your site at every sci-fi convention I appear at."–Charles E. Root Jr., "Scotty" from Phase II (New Voyages)

"The movie I would have made, if I had the time and the talent."–Geoffrey James, producer/director, Borg War

"The storyline, characters, posing, animating...are all first rate."–David M.

"...I almost didn't watch it. But I'm glad I did. Amazing!"–Shane N.

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Star Trek and related marks © CBS Television and Paramount. Characters, images and story, except where specified, ©2008 by Tim Vining